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St Mary's Catholic Primary Academy

We live, love and learn together with Jesus as our guide.

01924 472273


We live, love and learn together with Jesus as our guide.


St Mary’s Catholic Academy, as part of The Blessed Peter Snow Academy Trust, values the abilities and achievements of all its young people and is committed to providing the best possible environment for learning.

Who should I speak to about Inclusion and SEND?

Your first contact for discussing needs or concerns about pupils should be the class teacher, who oversees inclusive, adaptive teaching for all pupils within the classroom and can give you more information about your child's progress and attainment.


SENDCO & Designated Teacher for Looked After Children: Rebecca Ruddy

Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead: Phil Glover

KS2 Co-ordinator: Tom Peacock

KS1 Co-ordinator: Maria Prendergast

EYFS Lead: Elaine Worth

Governor for SEND: 


How do we define SEND?

Pupils have special educational needs if they have a difficulty accessing the curriculum, temporarily or more long-term, which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.

Pupils have difficulty accessing the curriculum if they:

  • Have persistent and significant difficulties in learning in comparison with the majority of children of the same age;
  • Have a disability, which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age.

(It is recognised that some pupils/students may experience difficulty in accessing the curriculum in some areas whilst having have a particular gift or talent in other areas).


There are four areas of Special Educational Needs:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and Sensory


At St Mary's Catholic Primary Academy, we offer a wide variety of strategies to support our children within the four areas of Special Educational Needs.


Key documents:

SEND Policy Nov 2023

 Access Plan Jan 23.doc

SEN Information Report Oct 23.doc

A link to the Kirklees Local Offer, providing information on what SEN support is available for children aged 0-25 across education, health and social care, can be found in the SEN report on page 21, alternatively you can use the following link: