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St Mary's Catholic Primary Academy

We live, love and learn together with Jesus as our guide.

01924 472273

At St Mary’s Catholic Primary Academy, we use My Happy Mind to help create a positive mental wellbeing culture in which children build resilience, self-esteem, and character. My Happy Mind uses the latest research, science, and technology to help children develop lifelong habits and learn to thrive.

My Happy Mind is taught across the whole school in weekly sessions, and consists of 5 units:

Meet Your Brain – Learning about how our brains work.

Celebrate – Understanding our character strengths and celebrating ourselves.

Appreciate – Developing gratitude as a habit.

Relate – Building positive relationships.

Engage – Engaging with the world.


You can find out what the children have been learning and further support the development of these good mental health habits at home through the My Happy Mind parent app.  The app includes videos so that you can follow along with the children's learning, audio breathing exercises, stories and fun activities that you can do together at home.  Information about how to access the app has been sent home on letters and the weekly newsletters.  If you have any questions, or difficulties accessing the app, please do not hesitate to contact us in school.


To learn more about the myHappymind for Schools programme visit their website here -


My Happy Mind Parents Information